We provide smarter, easy-to-use systems so you can focus on what’s more important—your children.
Discover better childcare administration software
Our innovative systems make it easy to manage enquiries and marketing, enrolments, waitlists, room transitions, staff rosters and ratios, visitor tracking, invoicing and all other aspects of day-to-day childcare administration.
We’re Locals
Compliance Covered
Designed by Kiwis for the New Zealand market, based on MOE regulations
Built for All
Easy to Learn
Easy to use—intuitively designed for non-geeks! Call 09 888 0459
Focus on What’s Important
Fully Automated
Let our fully automated processes eliminate errors and wasted time
Anywhere. Anytime.
The Discover childcare platform works on mobiles, tablets and PCs—no need to install, maintain or back up data.
We put you first, so you can get back to focussing on children
We work closely with childcares to build an integrated solution that provides the best childcare administration product in New Zealand.
Fully automate your waitlist management, invoicing and other day-to-day tasks
Secure, modern technology for your sensitive data
Enjoy faster and easier staff roster management
Maximise occupancy by tracking, managing and converting leads and enquiries for your centre or group of centres
Avoid invoicing and payment mistakes
Enjoy easier training and use than competitors’ systems
Development Commitment:
We have a team of developers and testers rolling out new innovations regularly. Upgrade to the modern Discover childcare system today, and we guarantee you will immediately save time and money.
Discover plays a pivotal role in the management of our early learning centre and we continue to be grateful for the guidance provided to ensure we are utilising all of the wonderful capabilities it entails.
Macaela | Director of Mini Thinkers
The speed of the program and going from one page to the next is brilliant. The frequent absence report is very easy to understand and follow and makes the job of reconfirming bookings much easier. The staff roster quick add is an absolute time saver. Having the ability for parents to enquire and enrol online cuts down any data entry errors and time. Using the ipad as tool to do this when parents come to view the centre, makes it fast and efficient getting them to the actual tour quicker. Parents are really enjoying the iPad sign in system and it is working very well for us.read more….
Robyn Waterfall | Kid Country Early Learning Centres
The Discover team have been very responsive to our needs, the dashboard clearly shows us our occupancy and % staff contact hours plus other features so we can quickly see how the centre is performing. The automatic invoicing and reminder emails saves us so much time and we can’t wait to go onto using iPads for children’s sign in and out. read more…
Yve Groot | Takapuna Private Preschool
Want to simplify and streamline administration at your service?
Learn how the Discover SMS makes childcare management easier with automation and innovation. Whether you’re looking to reclaim time spent on enrolments, payments, rostering or pay parity tracking, Discover can help.
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