Central Kids has been providing high-quality and affordable early childhood education and care in Central North Island, New Zealand, for over 70 years. They offer a child-led, learning-through-play philosophy that enables children to grow at their own pace—socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively (thinking creatively, problem solving, decision making).
Their team of highly-qualified, experienced kaiako (teachers) understand the importance of surrounding tamariki (children) with passionate, positive influences from an early age. They are genuinely invested in the future of tamariki, as well as the wellbeing of the whole whānau.
Having the right software in place to streamline administrative functions is essential to the smooth running of Central Kids. It frees up time for kaiako to focus on what’s important—the tamariki.
Aug, 2021
Joined Discover
On a day to day basis Discover delivers reliable, efficient functionality that simplifies our record keeping, administration processes and reporting requirements. It was also especially useful during the COVID-19 pandemic, where it helped support services to meet Ministry of Education requirements. The use of the ‘bulk actions’ functionality simplified the process for administrators to apply absence exemptions for all tamariki, a huge time saving compared to applying these on an individual basis.
Christine Hall, CEO, Central Kids Early Education

The Discover system is fundamental to the success of our organisation.
Christine Hall, CEO, Central Kids Early Education